
The European Review of Service Economics and Management (ERSEM) is an international multidisciplinary Journal devoted to services studies in the field of economics and management. Papers can be submitted in English or in French. The journal is led by an editorial board bringing together economists and management scientists who were involved in the thematic series « Economie et Gestion des Services » (EGS) of the Journal « Économies et Sociétés ». Keeping the editorial policy unchanged, it continues EGS which ceased publication in September 2015.

The European Review of Service Economics and Management is devoted to those activities that constitute the main sources of employment and wealth in contemporary economies. ERSEM publishes original high-quality contributions that aim at improving our knowledge of service activities, on the theoretical and empirical as well as on the managerial and public policy viewpoint. It also publishes, in a “Debate and Viewpoints” section, shorter articles which develop personal viewpoints addressing specific economic, policy or management issues regarding services. The Journal covers any type of service activity: market and non-market but also services within manufacturing firms. It has no thematic boundary.

ERSEM is simultaneously published in paper format and in an electronic version available through the website of Classiques Garnier.


Papers should be submitted by Email (in word format) to:
