Debates and viewpoints

Guidelines for "debates and viewpoints"


European Review of Service Economics and Management includes a “debates and viewpoints” section which has two main objectives:

  • First, to welcome the viewpoint of services business professionals and therefore establish a dialogue between the business world and the academic world.
  • Second, to allow the expression of original and well-argued viewpoints on socio-economic and political issues (controversies, topical subjects, etc.) in the field of services. The aim here is to allow publication of works with significant value added, but which might not be appropriate for publication in a classic full length-article.


1. Length, format and structure of the paper

1.1 Length

Submissions should not exceed:

  • 30,000 characters (including notes and spaces) for contributions to the “Debate and viewpoints” section.


1.2 Format

The text must be written without any automatic formatting.

It must comply with the following format:

  • 12 point-Times New Roman font for text, 10-point for quotes, 9-point for footnotes,
  • Single spacing
  • 3 cm left and right margins
  • Justification without hyphenations
  • 0.8 cm indentation for the first line of a paragraph
  • Line break before and after enumerations and quotes not embedded in the text
  • 1 cm indentation for enumerations and quotes not embedded in the text
  • No hyperlink,
  • English quotation marks “...” (without unbreakable space)
  • French quotation marks « ... » (unbreakable space after the opening quotation mark and the closing quotation mark)


1.2 Structure

Title page

The title page should include:

  • The title of the article
  • The name(s) of the author(s)
  • The affiliation(s) of the author(s)
  • An abstract of the article (900 characters maximum, including spaces)
  • Between 5 and 10 keywords
  • The name of a corresponding author, in the case of an article written by several authors
  • Full contact details for all the authors (professional addresses, telephones and Emails)

Sections headings

Sections headings should be numbered using Arabic numerals:

  • First level headings in bold (1., 2., 3., etc.)
  • Second level headings in bold italic (1.1., 1.2., 1.3.… etc.)
  • Third level headings in italic (1.1.1., 1.1.2., 1.1.3.... etc.)
  • The introduction and conclusion should not be numbered


Notes should be numbered in superscript consecutively throughout the article and placed at the bottom of the page. The requested font is 9-point Times New Roman.


2. Tables, figures and other illustrations

Tables and figures must be both:

  • embedded in the manuscript file
  • and provided in a separate file as an original good quality document in an editable format (do not use a copy and paste image). 

All figures and tables must be numbered in the order in which they appear in the manuscript (e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 1, Table 2)

The title of the tables should appear above the table. The titles of the figures and other illustrations should be inserted below them. 

It is recommended to limit the number and size of tables and figures and other illustrations. Large tables should be included in the annex for a better readability of the text.


3. References

The bibliography should only include works that are mentioned in the text.

Bibliographical references should comply with the following formats.


3.1 References within the text

(Smith, 2000; Johns, 2000; Smith and Johns, 2000; Smith et al., 2000)

Author’s last name in lower case, year, both into brackets.

When there are several references, they should be separated by a semicolon.

When a reference includes three or more authors, first author last name should be followed by et al. (in italic).


3.2 References at the end of the article

References are listed alphabetically by authors, and chronologically for the same author (add a, b, c, etc. to the year for references published the same year).

1. For journals

Johns J. (2000), “Economics and Management of Services”, International Review, vol. 3, n° 5, p. 34-47.

Author’s last name in small capitals, initials of first name, year into brackets, title in quotes, name of the Journal in italic, volume, issue, pages (just one ‘p.’).

Nota bene: vol., n°., p., always in lower case, are followed by a non-breakable space.

2. For books

Johns P. (2000), The Third Sector, New York, International Editions.

Author’s name in small capitals, initials of first name, year into brackets, title in italic, Place of publication, Publisher.

3. For chapters in books

Johns P. (2000), “The service relationship”, in Smith J. (ed.), The New Service Economy, London, National Edition, p. 23-40.

Chapter title in quotes, book title in italic.                                                                    

4. For research reports

Smith J. (2000), Services, report for the ministry of research, December.

Report title in italic.

5. For communication

Johns P. (2000), “ICTs in services”, international conference “Services and ICTs”, Paris, 15-17 December.

Communication title and Conference title in quotes.

6. For electronic sources

Smith J. (2000), “Introduction to the service economy”, available at: www-350servicestudies/library/ (accessed 15 December 2015).

Title in quotes. The full URL and the date of access should follow the reference.


4. Submission of the paper

Paper should be submitted by Email (in word format) to:


5. Evaluation

Articles will be anonymously refereed by at least two referees. The editorial board decides on the basis of the referees’ report. The paper can be accepted without any change, with revisions or be rejected.